We have moved to online enrollment! The process is very efficient and simple. ALL students, new and returning, will need to use the online registration platform located on the Mexia ISD website.
Go online and complete yours today!

Enrollment help for PreK and new Kinder students through Wednesday of this week

PreK and new Kinder enrollment. You may register online or come to the McBay campus 8am- 5pm Monday through Thursday for assistance.

PreK and new Kinder enrollment. You may register online or come to the McBay campus 8am- 5pm Monday through Thursday for assistance.

PreK and Kinder registration
Come by the McBay campus and we'll assist you!

Kinder graduation pictures are in! If your child came to the school to take pictures, you may pick those up Monday-Thursday 8am- 5pm at the McBay campus.

PreK and Kinder Registration

If you were unable to pick up your child's materials on yesterday, there is still time. You are welcome to come to the school Wednesday or Thursday 8am-3pm to retrieve the bundles.
Have a great summer!

Today is the final day to turn in packets and pick up a summer packet. T-shirts and any leftover supplies will be included as well. Pickup times are 11a-1p and 4:30p-5:30p.

McBay Parking Lot Party. So much love for our teachers!

McBay Parking Lot Party. So much love for our teachers!

McBay Parking Lot Party. So much love for our teachers!

McBay Parking Lot Party. So much love for our teachers!

Please join us in celebrating our teachers. Due to social distancing, parents and students are asked to remain in their vehicles.

Parking lot party this Thursday. Drive through the parking lot and wave goodbye to the teachers and tell them how much they are appreciated.
Hope to see you there!

Please join us Thursday, May 7th 5:30pm-6:00pm to celebrate our teachers and say your last goodbyes.

Online enrollment for PreK and NEW Kinder students. Please go to the Mexia web page to register.

Online enrollment for PreK and NEW Kinder students. Please go to the Mexia web page to register.

Tomorrow is packet pickup! 11am-1pm and 4:30pm-5:30pm

REMINDER: Tomorrow is packet pickup day. 11am-1pm and 4:30pm-5:30pm. School pictures and progress reports will also be included in the packets. #staystrong